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ANCEDRAM C.R.S Chapter - Spectacle Beyond The Stage


Acting has been generally seen as the commonest kind of ministry and so can be indulged in by every kind of persons.
“In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. 21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work”. (NIV) 2Timothy 2 v 20 – 21

"For many are invited, but few are chosen." (NIV)
Matt 22:14

Mr. Elkana Emmanuel

Some scriptural verses have been negated when it comes to the drama ministry because everyone feels they can do it. The ministry of drama goes beyond mere talents. A good pastor can do well without preparation, but there is no such thing as “replicated action” for a drama minister.
For every new stage, there is a new devil. Hence, the need to adhere strictly to this few principles of a gospel drama ministry listed below;
1.     You must be born again: Most church drama actors hate the word born again. So many circular actors have died due to their negligence to the scriptural instructions against their sinful habit. It is commonly said that what you do not know cannot kill you. But in ministry, what you do not know can kill you. Because what you know (the word of God) can save you from pending damnation.
2.     The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit leads to all truth. Therefore, if any drama minister must make an impact and have spectacles beyond the stage then he/she must yearn and hunger for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit aids improvisation on stage. When we lack the right words, act etc. to edify the body of Christ and to win souls, only the Holy Spirit can put in our mouth the right words and actions on stage.
3.     The Word of God: In him was life, and the life was the light of men… (John 1:4) “A minister who neglects the word has only chosen to work in darkness” (Omai). “The word of God is a storehouse of scripts and only those who make studying the scripture a routine will tap from it”. (Omai).  Never forget that the word of God is quick and sharper than two (2) edged swords. “Marry your Bible” (Elkanah)
4.     Be Prayerful: Prayer is the key. A prayerless drama minister is a powerless one too, will have little or no positive impact on the church and world at large.


    1.     Why Drama Ministry – Here the taproot is the Trinity, the stem is the drama ministry. 
2.     The Circle of Dead Ministry – Dead Ministries bear no fruit and their root is prayerlessness.

   3.     The Power of the Anointed Ministry: The anointed ministry is rooted in God (The Trinity) Its stem is a prayerful lifestyle and the word of God. Its branches include holiness and persistence etc. and its fruits are salvation, healing, soul wining etc. 
    Our primary purpose in the drama ministry is not the shows but to win the lost souls to Christ.
     Today our soul-winning is no more the interest of the church and pastor, every powerful ministration will have a few minutes of prayers and a longer period of fundraise.

How much did David demand from King Saul in order to sing and drive out demons from him? Today, our worshipers and instrumentalist will not worship God with these abilities and Grace upon their life if there are no financial negotiations. The singers with anointing can only be found in the villages because those in the towns and cities have killed the anointing with style and class.
The drama ministers cannot stand alone because the church has failed us. Yet, I ask, who and where is the real church? You and I are the church. No wonder area boys and gangsters have taken over our streets, because we have neglected street evangelism – (Uwem Offon).  
If we remain to look worm, God will spew us out.
The first spectacle is to sanitize ourselves. Many ministers have become motivational speakers. God did not need money but souls, otherwise Peter would have been called to be a fisher of fishes and not a fisher of men.
May God help us all in Jesus' Name – Amen.

Compiled By: Omai, Oluchi S.

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