Greatly endowed, full of wisdom, full of
vigor and energy, beautiful and handsome beyond comparison, endorsed and loved by all... You can go ahead and name it. One thing is sure, no man is indispensable. Therefore, make every time and moment count positively, be useful and profitable while you can, you are a replacement generation and you also are replaceable and dispensable. Be relevant while you still can, for someday you will be relevant, yet the strength will be far from you. You are a replacement generation, you might be indispensable today, yet tomorrow you will be dispensable.
Someday your strength and vigor will fail, and your beauty fade away... You will wish you could take mountains, fill valleys... Yet they will only be wishes. Make it real today, make good use of your youthfulness. Take the mountains and level them, fill the valleys and make them plane. But, never forget that YOU ARE A REPLACEMENT GENERATION.
Written by: Oluchi Sylvanus Omai
Greatly endowed, full of wisdom, full of

Someday your strength and vigor will fail, and your beauty fade away... You will wish you could take mountains, fill valleys... Yet they will only be wishes. Make it real today, make good use of your youthfulness. Take the mountains and level them, fill the valleys and make them plane. But, never forget that YOU ARE A REPLACEMENT GENERATION.
Written by: Oluchi Sylvanus Omai