By: Omai, Oluchi Sylvanus
Drama is considered by many to be entertainment and because of that it is given little or no attention in today’s church. The impact of great this tool in history can never be over emphasized. Drama is not just an art or social activity neither is drama mere sciences, but drama in its real self encompasses both the art and the sciences. And therefore, it is considered an essential tool for Evangelism.
Drama in medieval times was used by churches to showcase bible events and teachings and was known as liturgical drama. The importance of this ancient evangelical tool to today’s church cannot be overemphasized yet, it is pathetic to note that the church has traded, abandoned or even trashed this tool. The tool once valued by early patriarchs has now seem useless in an age like ours where so much pollution emanates from the secular drama and film productions.
The church has little or no time for Drama, this is because even the ministers to whom this great evangelical tool was committed has suddenly given up on the ministry. Like Peter, some have returned to fishing and has left not alone but with men who understands the vision of drama ministry.
Ezekiel was among the first to use the medium of drama to get God’s message across (Ezekiel 4, 5). Once he had the people’s attention, he zapped them with a powerful word from the Lord. Thus the first drama ministry was born.
Jeremiah also used this powerful evangelical tool; Jeremiah 27 and 28, the confrontation and warning of the kings and people of the land was done with a display of dramas.
Nothing can take the place of the preached Word of God. The Spirit is always eager to anoint solid, biblical preaching. Few things can move hearts like the Word of God in music. The psalmists devoted an entire book of the Bible to it. Certainly God gives priority to His written Word. Everything must be measured by the Book of books.
At the same time, perhaps nothing arrests people’s attention, saved or lost, as effectively as drama. Christian drama is not an end in itself but, rather, a valuable tool which has been used throughout church history to tell the greatest story ever told.
The impact Christian drama makes on a church is basically two-fold: Drama touches those both inside and outside the church. The simple message of a powerful drama anointed by the Holy Spirit can touch lives with the gospel. Usually an outsider will be much more willing to visit a church to view a dramatic presentation than simply to hear a sermon and may even justify attendance in order to see a friend or relative perform. This has become one of our most fruitful forms of evangelism. Every dramatic presentation should include an invitation to the unsaved to respond to Jesus Christ.
Drama also makes an impact by providing another opportunity for laypeople to become involved in ministry. Certainly those with musical talents or with great gifts to teach have no problem finding a place to function in the church. By adding an active drama ministry to the list of ministry opportunities, a church can find a place of service for those with varied talents and skills, such as building props and sets, operating spotlights, designing and making costumes, creating special effects, and applying stage makeup. Even those who claim stage fright can find a place of importance in the production of Christian drama to reach the community. We have found that young people particularly enjoy becoming involved in this medium of ministry. Willing servants with hidden abilities sit in our pews every Sunday just waiting to be discovered.
It is therefore pertinent that today’s church embrace and get fortified with this tool – drama. Encourage and motivate spirit filled and gifted men to retrieve this God-given evangelical tool from the hands of those who have bastardized it and used it to populate the kingdom of darkness.
As the final harvest approaches, we are compelled to use whatever means are available to tell the world about Jesus. Christian drama is one of those ways.
Why drama? Because drama is not just entertainment–drama is evangelism.
Written By: Omai, Oluchi Sylvanus
Source: Why Drama by Mark Sims, and the Holy Bible