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Dr Janet Ekpenyong reacts to the news instigating fear in the minds of Cross Riverians over the efficacy, genuity and quality of the Astrazeneca vaccine.


The attention of Director General of the Cross River State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr Janet Ekpenyong and members of the state Immunization team have been drawn to a purported news making rounds which tries to instigate fear in the minds of Cross Riverians over the efficacy, genuity and quality of the Astrazeneca vaccine.

Dr Ekpenyong said the information is not only misleading but callous, ridiculous and scandalous with the publisher of the said news only trying to exaggerate common information at his disposal without engaging in a thorough check and balance system as professionals do.

The news is not only misleading but exaggerated by antivaxers who are bent on discrediting the state's efforts towards attaining a 100% vaccination coverage and infusing lies, doubts and uncertainty in the minds of unsuspecting members of the Public.

We wish to categorically state that, the said adverse effects as reported by "weetalkNiaja" were all made public before, during and after the exercise as part of our questions and answer Protocols, and these effects are not only perculiar to the Covid-19 Vaccines, but all other vaccines for children, pregnant women as well as adults.

Nobody including Health workers was forced to take the vaccine in Cross River State, the over 27,000 eligible adults who have already been vaccinated provided themselves voluntarily across the state due to self-conviction and have expressed their desire to complete their dosages in the next few weeks.

It is worthy of note that, the Director General of the Cross River State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr Janet Ekpenyong had on March 30th received her first jab of same Astrazeneca vaccine in the presence of the Obong of Calabar and his kingmakers as a moral booster for other Cross Riverians.

There is no need to panic as the next phase of vaccination is slated for the coming weeks, we encourage our people to come out en masse and get themselves immunized against the dreaded Covid-19.

Cross River State Government remain committed to ensuring the safety of all Cross Rivererians.

Vaccines are safe, Effective and remain the most reliable means of fighting health pandemics.

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