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Defence Minister Not The One On Purported Video Of Him Holding AK-47 Riffle

As the level of insecurity in the country increases, with kidnapping and killing rampaging the Nigerian society, Nigerians have reacted to the trending online video of a man hanging an AK-47 Riffle believed to be the Minister of Defence, General Bashir Magashi.

While some Nigerians believe that it is wrong for the Defense Minister to be hanging a riffle in the streets for whatever reasons, stating that he has men under him and aides at his disposal and so should not be with a riffle. 

"It simply spells distrust on our security parastatals," They said. On the other hand, others believe that Magashi was only being defensive and not willing to let down his guard. 

Meanwhile, the Minister of Defence, General Bashir Magashi, through his Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Muhammad Abdulkadri has said that the online video showing a man hanging an AK-47 Riffle implied to be him is mischievous.

“To claim that the person in the video is Gen. Magashi is false and misinforming." Mr Abdulkadri said.

Further investigation as narrated by Mr Abdulkadri reveals that the person in the video is undeniable the rector of a Nigerian army college.  

Under the rector’s command and position, he is statutorily allowed in the military to sign for weapons when travelling.

Abdulkadri further explains that the Army green colour on the vehicle shown in the video and the unit sticker on the official vehicle is sufficient pieces of evidence to neutralise the false claim in the video.

The vehicle displayed in the video which is misunderstood and referred to as the official vehicle of the minister of defence is not his official car.

The pieces of evidence as obtained and verified from the analysis of the video in circulation, The minister of defence General Bashir Magashi is not the person in the video as claimed.

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