Photo of praying family |
By Precious Bassey and Douglas Besong
The senior pastor of Assemblies of God, 91 Nelson Mandela Calabar, Rev Joseph Ajor (Ph.D) has said that the basic unit of the society is the family. While admonishing the church from the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Genesis18:18-19, he stated that the basic unit of a society is the family and also stressed that the first point of evangelism for the parents should be the home. Thus, there will be a big question mark if you as a parent is steadfast in the things of God and in the end, they cannot raise godly children and carry them along in serving God.
The panellist at the conclusion of the General Council Family Week also made different inputs and teachings about the family altar. It reads;
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An altar is a place where a person(s) communes with God. anywhere in the house where the family gets to meet together to pray is termed the family altar. Reviving the family altar should be done regularly. things done in the family altar should include prayers for the family and the church. However, it shouldn't become a ritual that makes has no effect. Emphasis was also stressed on having God within you ( Heart). Aside from the routine day to day reverence.
Need for the family altar: every home is encouraged to have a family altar. a family altar is divided into two; the physical and the spiritual altar. The physical altar is where the family meets while the spiritual altar is the individuals in the family because as a child of God, you are a moving altar (Gen35:2). Parents should start training their children while they are still young so they can avoid correcting certain issues when they are older. A family without an altar is not a secured family.
Challenge of establishing a family altar: having an unbelieving partner could also pose a challenge in establishing a family altar. an uncooperative attitude is also one of the challenges. lack of appropriate daily devotional manuals. misuse of time when the family gather. failure to start the family altar when your children are still very young.
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Ways to encourage a family altar: time should be managed appropriately. Responsibilities should be shared amongst the family members and equally Use Evangel meal as their family guide.
Blessings of the family altar: Is it a popular saying that "a family that prays together stays together". The teens-parents relationship is a cardinal pathway to engineer the blessings of the family altar and to bring about EasyFlow of destiny; thus, birthing effectiveness and materialisation of dreams. It is equally ideal to devise means in making the family altar very interesting and encouraging.
A family altar should be seen as an effective church in the home. One of the responsibilities of the church is to share in the problems of the members (the church here is seen as the second home of the child or member who is in need of anything or possibly passing through challenges and seeks help). Whenever a family gather, sometimes let the purport of it be for the sharing of ideas and burdens and let solutions be proferred to some of the problems in total trust via the power of God.
There will never be a better place to groom a child than the home. A child will someday become a youth and afterwards a father or mother and will likewise train his own children based on what he was taught from birth. in as much as we have streamlined the family to mean 'people related by blood' however, it is with utmost importance that we make the definition flexible to the extent that ' anyone who genuinely loves and cares about your physical and spiritual growth could be seen as your family members so as help children listen to adults who aren't their biological parents but somewhat care about their growth (physical, spiritual and otherwise).