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Packaging Or The Woman In Her

Photo of African Lady

What determines the "Value" and "Worth" of a container is the content.

The "Woman" in a woman is not in her packaging, sexy looks or make-over.

What Is The Woman In Her?

✓ The woman in her is her "Excellent Character".

✓ Her vision and aspirations.

✓ Her dreams.

✓ Her pride as a woman.

✓ Her manner of dressing. 

What Every Single Lady Should Know 

~ Your bride price is your pride.

Living with a man without it simply implies an expired product.

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~ If you want your own man, leave other people's men alone. And your own will locate you.

~ A man who asked you to get pregnant before the wedding, is in love with pregnancy, not you.

~ When you're dating a man and he does not involve you in his daily activities, it means you don't have a place in his heart.

Give him a break he may realize your Worth.

~ Stop fainting and crying because a man proposes to you.

   It's a disgrace to womanhood.

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To propose is not a favour rather the man should be shouting because he has found favour and a helper.

~ If you can't take care of yourself without the help of a man, you're not due for Dating.

~ If you're dating for two years or three years now without evidence, it implies you're a "Girl" 

   Not a Woman yet.

Your looks can attract a man but only the woman in you will keep him.

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