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Cross River Microfinance Bank Pitches Tent In Obudu As It Opens Its Third Branch


The management of Cross River Microfinance Bank has opened its third branch at Obudu Local Government headquarters.

Speaking during the the bank opening, the Board Chairman of the bank, Mr Sam Atsu, noted the Obudu branch is the third branch to be opened.

Atsu stated that "Cross River Microfinance Bank is humble and highly delighted to welcome all of you to opening of our third branch at Obudu. The Microfinance Bank is for micro activities. 

"The bank was set up in 2018 and as you can imagine, It is quite interesting journey so far. Let me commend  the board and all the staff of the bank who have worked tirelessly through the years to have achieved what we celebrate today. The bank is set up for Cross Riverians. For the bank to succeed and for the bank to grow and  become a commercial show piece, we all must support it. His Royal Majesty, the Paramount Ruler of Boki, made a very key statement last two weeks when we opened the branch at Bashua, in Boki Local Government Area. He told his subjects that he had prayed that a bank should come to Boki, and for him to see a bank in Boki, they should sustain it.

Setting up a bank is not an easy business and when the government of the day by  innovative ideas of Sen Prof Ben Ayade, decided to set up the bank so that we can grow ourselves out of poverty, we must do everything humanly possible to sustain the gains of this bank by putting our God given resources into commercial activities. And one of the principles of microfinancing is to take the bank to hard to reach areas.

"The bank has triple its staff, triple its branches and quadriple its costumers and deposit.

"I want to encourage you and say to you all to please watch this place, patronize us, this is our bank, if you allow it to grow, it will grow. It will benefit us and our children's children".

On his part, the Chairman of Obudu Local Government Council, Mr Boniface Ewhe, who was represented at the occasion by the Chief Security Officer of the Council, Mr Fred Ugbong Bony Ewhe pledged to ensure that the bank works optimally in Obudu, he assured that some of his council staff will transfer their salary account to the bank as well as encourage the neighboring Benue community where he was recently honored with a chieftaincy title to open account with the bank.

The Paramount Ruler of Obudu Local Government Area, His Royal Majesty Uti Jeddy-Agba, who was represented by the Clan Head of Ukpe, His Highness Chief Godwin Orim pledged that the Obudu Traditional Rulers Council members will be receiving their salary through this bank.

He used the opportunity to commend the governor for the micro projects going on around the state and wished that Cross River State be counted among the committee of states.

The Special Guest of Honor, High Chief Eugene Akeh recounted predicaments Obudu faced when the only bank available for use was First, Vandikya branch. He had made series of efforts to bring a commercial bank to Obudu and the bank had requested him to donate a building as collateral.


He commended the efforts of all those who contributed to bringing this bank to Obudu. He assured that all hands must be on deck to ensure that this bank is protected. He insisted that the bank is an investment bank and no the normal bank that you go to receive salary.

The mother of the wife of Cross River State Governor, Mrs Mary Akpo while cutting the tape to open the bank, dedicated the bank to the glory of God and the services of humanity.

In a vote of thanks, Mrs Theodore Edu, maintained that the Cross River Microfinance Bank was founded for women, and so women must take up the advantage the opportunity provided by the bank.

Mrs. Mary Akpo and Chief Eugene Akeh filled the account opening form to become the first and second customers in the branch.

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