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The Demand For Growth; Why The Stagnation?

By D. O. Besong

Growth is the process of developing physically, mentally, spiritually and otherwise. It’s also a process of increase in amount, value and importance. Growth could likewise be defined as the continuous acceleration of one’s ability either positive or negative. However, this topic has been overly emphasized without having the expected results. 

We many times clamour for veneration through our efforts and the ‘Will power’ to go beyond normalcy or average. There’s this colloquial attitude of persons who tends to build tenacity upon listening to inspirational and motivational speakers; after being bombarded with the nitty-gritty of growth, they immediately become desirous and someone would think the next stage upon granted opportunity will be the biggest stage of their life and [disappointments] are mostly the aftermaths.

It’s quite rebarbative and exasperating when you see the level of stagnation occasioned by young people even with the availability of ICT and the opportunity granted to them via listening to great authors and speakers who have travelled around the world. As bemused as you will be at this juncture, you will be moved to ask;

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Why The Stagnation Even With The Excessive Availability Of Materials, Tapes And Speakers?

If you are familiar with the Holy Scripture, you will confirm in the book of  [James 2;26]  as it was opined that ‘faith without work is dead.  People often assimilate much without striving to practice any of them. You can’t keep doing the same thing every time and expect a different result. If you want to go beyond your contemporaries, add extra to what you do. 

A Revered Evangelist, Evang. Ephraim Effiong once said ‘if you strive and it isn’t working, take overdose’. In another language, He said ‘launch into the deep. Shallow fishermen only catch little fish. If you must get hold of sharks and whales, then, you must lunch into the deep with the consciousness of the fact that the deep is dangerous.

Growth Is out rightly a conscious act and whoever intends to grow must consciously do so.  In comparison to last year's achievement, what steps have you taken to become better?

Basic Condition Precedent Needed For Growth

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1. No One Grows Unconsciously.

From the above highlight, it is arduous to successfully ascend the ladder of growth when you are yet to personally make such a decision. Late. Arch. Bishop. Benson Idahosa once testified and told his congregation how he became the famous archbishop they revere today. He said, on a particular Sunday, he heard his pastor preach on the power of resurrection. 

It was emphasized that anyone who believes in the word of God could likewise do the same miracles Jesus did. He took the conscious step and went into the streets of Benin and was asking people for dead bodies that he shall demonstrate his faith. He consciously kept searching and found what he desired. 

Hence, that was the beginning of his ministry. The threshold for growth is likened to consciousness to act. The issue of consciousness cannot be overemphasized. There must be a willful desire. It must be harnessed with time. 

Patience will beckon for your attention, please listen to the call and exercise patience. It’s a gradual process. With time the results become a resounding reference that you will be proud of. But hey, never stop being conscious.

2. You Must Be Accountable 

Accountability is one of the cardinal structures for growth. To your greatest amazement, if a thorough analysis is carried out, you will be perplexed as to how much you make in a single year and because you are not accountable, you will be praying for millions when you are already in the category of millionaires. The level of carelessness exhibited by some persons is alarming. 

Where there is no trace of records about your daily acceleration, you will be seen to be stagnant even with the level you must have grown into. In one of the annual programs held by the living faith church, the General overseer, Bishop David  Oyedepo, while teaching his congregation on growth and consistency, made sure he brought the jotters and diaries he has been using since the 1970s to show them and how much they are still relevant till date.  

He keeps revising them because knowledge is never wasted. In other words, he can still read to the congregation the days of his little beginning, his prayer points, his dreams and goals and how far he has gone in achieving all of them. It’s almost, if not impossible to see any company grow without a sustainable account department. At the end of the year, they have an auditor who audits and run a total examination of the expenses and profits gathered in that year. 

Without this accountable system, how will a company come to the knowledge of the fact that they have grown or maximized greater profits from what was made previously? If a company could be this dependent on account, then you shouldn’t be excluded as a human. Count your profits. Take note of your losses. Crawl, run, fly and do whatever you can to keep moving. Just grow consciously.

3. The God Factor 

This is however debatable to some folks. Truly, you can grow into stardom without knowing and loving God. The likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg aren’t Christians and yet they are ruling the world with their ideas. Principles of wealth have catapulted them to where they are today. Principles do not change notwithstanding who is involved. Exactly what you sow is what you will reap. Being a Christian or an unbeliever does not have much effect in terms of growth. 

However, the Bible says ‘what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul’. [MARK 8;36] that’s the major disparity that comes into bearing. The other will grow and make heaven while the other will go to hell after making so much money while on earth. It’s only a fool that says in his heart ‘there is no God.  It is encapsulated in the Holy Scripture that God gives us the power to make wealth. 

It was further buttressed that ‘wealth neither comes from the north or south, but it’s of the Lord. In whatever category we grow into, God should be revered because without him [who is the porter] we [clay ] will be useless. Even when you can’t mathematically see or testify about him, just remember He is the only one who gives the power to make wealth. Always acknowledge Him and Also grow in the knowledge of His word.

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