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Governor Ayade Has Not Lifted Ban On Wood Logging In Cross River State

The Cross River State government has said that it has not lifted ban on wood logging in Cross state. This is contained in a press release signed by the Deputy Chief Press Secretary to the 

Governor, Mr Linus Obogo on 5th of August, 2022. 

Mr Obogo stated that the the release is a counter the report on some online news portals which states that the governor, Prof Ben Ayade has lifted the ban on wood logging in the state.

He stated that the report is mischivious and a gross misrepresentation of the outcome of the meeting held on Thursday, August 4th, 2022.

According to Mr Obogo, the purpose of the meeting was to enforce the directive of His Excellency the governor of Cross River State to henceforth seize every illegal wood logging and to also ensure that offenders are face severe penalties.

"The government wishes, therefore, to emphasize that the prohibition on logging/sawed woods and timber is still in force, as anyone, including government appointees, caught contravening the banning order will be severely dealt with." He added.

See Press Statement below;

"The attention of the state government has been drawn to reports in some online news portals to the effect that His Excellency, Ben Ayade, has lifted the ban on wood loggings in the state. 

We wish to state categorically that the reports are not only mischievous, but a gross misrepresentation of the outcome of the meeting held on Thursday, August 4th, 2022 with various stakeholders in the management and preservation of our forests across the state. 

Specifically, the meeting which was presided over by the Chairman of Cross River State Forestry Commission was to enforce His Excellency's directive to henceforth seize every illegally sawed timber/log and compel offenders to face a severe penalty, including payment of fines. 

The government wishes, therefore, to emphasize that the prohibition on logging/sawed woods and timber is still in force, as anyone, including government appointees, caught contravening the banning order will be severely dealt with.

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