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We Should Not Judge, But We Should Judge by Grace Oji

By Grace Oji

The Bible says we should not judge but it also says we should.

Matthew 7:1-2 (KJV)  

"Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

In the law court the judge presides over a case and gives his sentence at the end. For matters of life, God decides what portion each of us will receive for the deeds he has done. This power solely rests in God's hand.

So in Matthew 7 God is telling us we have no rights to pass sentences to condemn a guilty man. Especially as we, like the man, have committed sins. 

Another word we can use for this kind of judgement is CONDEMNATION.

John 7:24 (KJV)  

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."

I doubt anyone can last so long without being able to distinguish between food and waste in the bin. Our very survival means we are in a constant state of deciding what is good and what is not. From the kind of company we keep, to the vendors we hire, to the clothes we wear, even the church we worship in on Sundays. 

Daily we live by judging between people, circumstances, and things. Another name for this is DISCERNMENT. 

When the Bible asks us to judge it is speaking of discernment; differentiating what is good from what is bad. Yes, we should discern our actions and that of others whether they are right or wrong. This judgement is based on guidance from God's Holy Scripture and the Holy Spirit in us.

We are called to 'discern' not to 'condemn'.

The valid reaction to people's wrongdoing should be to seek that they should repent and turn back to God. It is not meant to put them down and make them feel they are worthless and beyond redemption.

When a piece of cloth is found with stains all over, for someone to know it is dirty is discernment, for him to trash it is condemnation.

But Jesus takes that cloth and washes it clean, this is salvation.

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